From March, 31 to April, 5 the group of companies Unibox received a delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk region N.P. Drankovich. The delegation was composed of the representatives of the official and business circles of the Omsk region of the Russian Federation: heads and specialists of the leading organizations of dairy farming, researchers.
The main purpose of the visit was to study the experience of organization of milk production on an industrial scale, as well as acquaintance with the equipment, machinery and technologies of the JV Unibox Ltd.
The guests visited the branches of "Agro-Box" and "Agro-Box Zootech", saw the line for processing and production of seed material of grains and leguminous plants, dairy farm equipped with milking parlors Parallel Swingover and Ratary; they got acquainted with practical experience of organization of milk production with the use of modern technologies as well as with energy-saving technologies of fodder conservation (haylage in package, corn silage in the trenches, preparation and storage of the paste of crushed wet grain). During the tour of farms the issues of cattle keeping, manure removal, creation of optimal microclimate in cattle premises, reproduction and detection of cows in heat, choice of milk equipment and organization of milking process, herd management program implementation and effective interaction of agrotechnical and zootechnical sectors of the agricultural production were discussed in detail.
The guests were introduced to the methods of carrying out a complete analysis of the dry matter digestibility of forages and an analysis was carried out for the forages imported from farms of the Omsk region.
To study the experience of reconstruction of dairy farms the participants of the delegation visited the farms in the villages Saska Lipka and Sveklovichnoe in the Nesvizh area, where the group of companies of Unibox carried out the modernization of a dairy farm of different ownership forms.
On the 4th of April the Omsk region delegation visited the production spaces of the group of companies of Unibox, saw the lines producing crown corks, stainless steel pipes, agricultural machinery. Then there took place a roundtable discussion with the participation of members of the delegation, as well as the heads and specialists of the group of companies, in the course of which a number of issues relevant to modern dairy farming enterprises were discussed. In particular, they discussed the feasibility and prospects of dairy farms reconstruction, the ways to attract investments in the agricultural sector, the methods that can help to achieve real savings of facilities, time and human resources in agriculture.
At the end of the visit the guests held negotiations with the heads of the group of companies of Unibox and discussed plans and prospects for a further cooperation.