The subsidiary Agro-Box was founded in 2004 after the attachment to J.V.UNIBOX S.r.l. of half-destroyed kolkhoz in the province of Cherven, region of Minsk. At that moment the attachment of it was equal to 125 mio rubles of losses annually; the country people sought for any chance to move to the city.
The employees of UNIBOX without any experience in agrarian sector at that moment; armed themselves with the principle proved by many years: «Stake on technology». After deep and detailed analysis they took as a basis the experience of Italy, the country with the most intensive agriculture where on small territories the farmers work miracles. And by 2006 the enterprise has already reached zero, then in a year it gave the first profit.
Today Agro-Box is a stable, dynamic enterprise with the main activities as follows:
• production, harvesting, sale of elite seeds of cereals and bean cultures, technical oil cultures;
• planting and sale of products of crop sector (alimentary, forage grain, brewer's barley, maize grain, seeds of oil cultures);
• production and sale of grass forage, concentrates, haylage of different species of grass in vacuum packs, maize silo, pastes of wet grain);
• services in sorting, processing, seed treatment.
The enterprise has available more than 60 units of modern effective agricultural machines (tractors, grain harvesters and forage harvesters, cultivators, spreaders of solid mineral manure, sprayers and pollinaziers, sowing machines, mowers, press-collectors, etc.) with long chain of hinged devices.
Here modern line of processing and production of certified seeds (from 2009 Agro-Box is registered to State Registry of manufacturers of selected seeds with marketing license).
The main feature of Agro-Box is that it is to some extent a testing site for various agricultural techniques. For most effective models they acquire construction documentation, process them further, adapt to local conditions and launch as commercial production at J.V.FERABOX S.r.l. In our Catalogue you may find detailed description of modern agricultural machines of Belarusian production of efficacy proved by experience.
Staff of the enterprise is in constant experiment, ecological and production tests of cereals, beans, oil cultures and hybrids of maize of national and foreign selection.
«Agro-Box» became one of the first Belarusian farms armed with modern technologies like harvesting of haylage in packs and paste of wet grain with further allocation in trench.
The subsidiary is the base of exchange of experience, various specialized seminars, training of experts with the support of leading education Institutions of agrarian profile.
On the base of «Agro-Box» the subsidiary of certified laboratory is equipped with modern devices and instruments to test quality parameters if agricultural cultures harvested at different stages of vegetation, to trace the quality of different forages and mixtures used in Agro-Box and evaluate their influence on the productivity of milk herd.