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Drafting unit is a system of sorting of cows, designed for maximum performance and consisting of drafting gates and a drafting passage.

Drafting gates can separate cows in two or more directions, as well as group them, if necessary.
For example, if a certain number of animals has to be separated for inspection by a veterinarian, the operator can set the program to automatically separate the indicated cows into the pen, where they will be inspected.

The drafting unit can be operated:
• From the pit using the control panel,
• With a mobile phone,
• Automatically (individual parameters of animals are pre-set into the computer program "Herd Management").

The drafting passage consists of two galvanized side frames on which animal identification equipment is installed, and an entrance portal with pneumatic shutters, closing after entering of each cow and not opening up until it leaves the drafting unit. This ensures error-free identification of the animals and prevents their uncontrolled passing through the drafting unit.

Information about the parameters of the drafting can be changed by entering an individual cow number (group of cows) or veterinary history into the computer program "Herd Management", for example, in the case of the animals that were artificially inseminated in a given period.

Automatic drafting unit is the perfect system for sorting of large herds of animals as cows can easily be separated in several directions.

An additional option of such a system is the automatic weighing for regular registration of live weight. Drafting unit can also be equipped with an automatic system of teats spraying.

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