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High quality milk is impossible without sanitary. Automatic washing, drying, blowing and sanitation of each unit after milking of every cow is indispensible to maintain hygienic conditions of milking and to eliminate mastitis infection agents like Staph Aureus.

Automatic wash system provides disinfection of the unit after milking of every cow and is applied in any milking parlor. It may be combined with automatic removal of milking units.

Washing, disinfection, blowing and drying after milking each cow is activated automatically after removal of milking unit from cow’s udder.

Washing of milking unit and milk hose is done with disinfection solution. After washing blow the milking unit with air to eliminate the residual of solution. In this way you avoid cross contamination of cows and diffusion of mastitis, as well as reduce streptococcus and mycoplasma mastitis. Less somatic cells - higher milk quality and health conditions of the herd.
Usually during milking of the cow damaged with Staph Aureus, the bacteria remain on liner sides in huge amounts and are transferred to other animals. In this case the infected cow is isolated and is milked the last. With automatic washing there is no need to replace milking units or purchase special liner.

© 2012 JV “Unibox” Ltd
9B, Selitsky street, 220075 Minsk, Republic of Bealrus
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